Deepfakes Can Be Viewed as a Serious Problem

Deepfakes Can Be Viewed as a Serious Problem

Let’s talk a little bit aboutdeepfakes. If you aren’t aware of this technology, deepfakes are essentiallysynthetic media. Typically they come in the form of videos or images that useartificial intelligence (AI) to replace a person’s likeness with another’s.With deepfake technology, people can convince an audience that a person saidsomething they didn’t say. This deliberate digital subterfuge can bring with ita whole lot of problems. This week we will outline a few of them.

They Can Deliver False Narratives

The potential deepfakes have tohelp spread disinformation and misinformation is at the basis of thetechnology. It is relatively easy for deepfake videos to be created and theyare notoriously difficult to judge. This makes it hard to determine whether avideo is, in fact, legitimate, or conjured up. This can be a major problem foranyone of influence, especially in the financial or political arenas.

Damaging Perceptions

The individuals who are victimsof this likeness scam can suffer irreparable damage to their reputation. Ifsomeone were so inclined they could create a deepfake to try and discredit anindividual, severely damaging standing relationships, and could even get themin hot water with the authorities. Unfortunately, even if a deepfake isdiscovered, it can take a lot of time and effort to restore theserelationships.

Invasion of Privacy

A deepfake video can have thepotential to step over the line pretty quickly, in terms of personal privacy.The superimposition of someone’s likeness on words they didn’t musterthemselves can immediately violate someone’s privacy. Once the cat’s out of thebag, sometimes it won’t go back in.

Erosion of Trust

Many times, trust is thefoundation of the relationship people have with each other and with people ofinfluence. The more sophisticated this technology becomes, the more realisticthe deepfakes become, and the more someone with a nefarious agenda can underminethese important relationships.

Political Ramifications

One of the most heinous waysdeepfake technology can manipulate people is in the political arena. Peopledon’t have a lot of trust for their lawmakers as it is, but if organizationscan roll out deepfake technology that affects the public trust in a candidateor sitting politician, it can have devastating consequences for that individualand ultimately society.

Difficulty in Detection

One of the biggest problems withdeepfake technology is that as it gets more sophisticated, it’s going to takemore sophisticated means to determine the legitimacy of the content. As itcurrently stands, deepfake detection tools struggle to identify these videos asfakes, creating massive problems for the people being taken advantage of.


Deepfake videos are becomingconcerning and it is important that society is made aware of the advancedmanipulation techniques they provide scammers. At ALLTECHITS, we understandthat keeping you and your business safe and secure is a big part of properlyutilizing today’s technology. To learn more about how we can help, give us acall today at (954) 628-3770..



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